Welcome to the 2024 University of Melbourne Music Analysis Winter School. Run in conjunction with The Music Students’ Society and the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, we are honoured to revive this exciting week of sharing and learning. Each day will be packed with back-to-back music analysis lectures presented by internationally renowned experts in music analysis, music theory, musicology, composition, performance and more.


| | Monday 1st/July/2024 | Tuesday 2nd/July/2024 | Wednesday 3rd/July/2024 | Thursday 4th/July/2024 | Friday 5th/July/2024 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 09:15

10:45 | Professor Elliott Gyger

Analysing the Tristan Prelude:   Labels, Liabilities and Lability | Professor Rick Cohn

Meter Analysis on Beethoven's music ② | Dr David Larkin

Form and Deformation in the Nineteenth Century ① | Associate Professor Michael Hooper

Analyse Créatrice composition as analysis | Professor Rick Cohn

Meter Analysis on Beethoven's music ③ | | 11:00

12:30 | Professor Rick Cohn

Meter Analysis on Beethoven's music ① | Professor Melanie Plesch

Topic theory ② | Justeen Wheatley

Odd-Factored Time Signature ③ | Dr David Larkin

Form and Deformation in the Nineteenth Century ② | Boyi Sun

Riemannian Theory of Harmonic Function | | 12:30

13:30 | 🍚~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ | 🍚~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ | MIDDAY LUNCH TIME BREAK | ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~🍚 | ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~ 🍚 ~~~🍚 | | 13:30

15:00 | Professor Melanie Plesch

Topic theory ① | Professor Sally Macarthur

Feminist Approaches to Music Analysis in the1980s/90s/early 2000s and their Continuing Relevance | Professor Sally Macarthur

Shifting from Representational Models of Analysis to New Materialist Entanglements with Music | Professor Melanie Plesch

Topic theory ③ | Professor Richard Kurth

Beginning opera with George Benjamin:   selected analytical observations and explorations | | 15:15

16:45 | Justeen Wheatley

Odd-Factored Time Signature ① | Justeen Wheatley

Odd-Factored Time Signature ② | Dr Tim Daly

Reconstructing medieval music theory: counterpoint, performance practice and analysis | STUDENT PAPERS: Victor Arul ~ Harvard Talisha Goh ~ Monash Andrea Calilhanna ~ University of Adelaide | PANEL: Panelists: Prof Rick Cohn, Prof Sally MacArthur, A/Prof Michael Hooper, Prof Melanie Plesch, Prof Elliott Gyger, Prof Richard Kurth. Reflections on Repertoires and Methodologies for Music Analysis |

Lecture Abstracts:

Professor Elliott Gyger (University of Melbourne),

Professor Rick Cohn (Yale University),

Professor Melanie Plesch (University of Melbourne),

Justeen Wheatley (PhD Candidate, University of Melbourne),

Professor Sally Macarthur (University of Adelaide),

Dr David Larkin (University of Sydney),

Dr Tim Daly (University of New England (AU)),

Associate Professor Michael Hooper (University of NSW),

Boyi Sun (University of Melbourne),

Professor Richard Kurth (University of Melbourne),

Student Research Paper Prsentations

Lecture Presenters:

Professor Elliott Gyger

Professor Rick Cohn